–Went to World Time to pick up Speedmaster 105.012-67. Nice work.
–1mm ceramic bearings came in for Seamaster 165.014 bezel. Installed.
–Went to World Time to pick up Speedmaster 105.012-67. Nice work.
–1mm ceramic bearings came in for Seamaster 165.014 bezel. Installed.
–Power went out at 8:15 AM, came back on at 6:15 PM.
–Went to McDonald’s for lunch and WiFi; got haircut (#8) at Supercuts.
–Went to Round Table Pizza for dinner. Good pizza.
–Drizzly day.
–Watched Avengers: Infinity War. Kind of over the top.
–Shopping, Safeway Aptos.
–Cinnamon rolls from Farrell’s Donuts for dessert; huge.
–Replaced hearing aid batteries ~10AM.
–“Laconico” EZE (easy enforcer) came in, late, from BladeHQ for $365. Flawless grind and everything; don’t know how they do it.
–Edited photos for CVS Christmas calendar
–Walked to bluff and saw huge broken eucalyptus branch; got a bear claw at El Patio
–Mowed lawn, sprayed some weeds.
–Read “Depth of Winter” by Craig Johnson. Okay, but probably don’t need to follow the Sheriff Longmire series.
–Drizzly day.
–Lit the gas fireplace—nice.
–Had Pillsbury cinnamon rolls, plus Corralitos bacon, plus eggs, plus grits for breakfast. Also english muffins with homemade lemon and strawberry jams.
–Great Thanksgiving dinner, except 16-pound turkey cooked in less than 2 hours, to Grace’s chagrin. Mashed potatoes, yams, cranberry jelly, dressing, crescent rolls, brussels sprouts too.
–Got 6 bagels (+1) at The Bagelry for $5.50.
–1/32″ (0.8mm) ball bearings came in for Seamaster bezel; too small. Ordered 1mm bearings.
–Nitecore continuously-variable flashlight came in, to replace (second) failed Jetbeam. Need to buy a couple CR123 batteries.
–Ordered a nicer (than Carmel Cutlery’s) Laconico pseudo-tanto (EZE: Easy Enforcer) from BladeHQ.
–Hearing aids working nicely with iPhone: incoming calls automatically go to them, and Waze navigation voice does as well.
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