Month: January 2019 (Page 2 of 4)


–Another gloomy day.

–Played around with watches. Learned (a) how to use case clamps correctly and (b) how to remove rotor on Omega 55x and 56x movements. Feeling lucky, ordered another 565 donor watch for Watchco build.


–Took the BMW to Pot Stop to get a pot.

–Replaced hearing aid batteries around 6 PM. Left hearing aid was really weak, but it was just earwax. Good now.


–Went shopping at Food Maxx.

–Wrestled case tube out of Rolex 1680. Really curious to see what the new one looks like.


–Sent Rolex rivet bracelet to LAWW to get link added.

–Updated email to at 1.2 zillion sites.


–Rolex 1680 came in. Bracelet has 10 links, not 11 as advertised. Just fits, will be tight after a few pull-ups.

–Went to The Buttery (bakery) and Shopper’s Corner in Santa Cruz. Great stuff.

–Replaced hearing aid batteries around 2 PM.


–Played with Contax N Digital cameras. Took two apart. Turns out Keh was lying when they said they didn’t want to swap bodies because working camera contained spliced wiring from previous repair. The cameras were identical inside; neither appeared to have ever been worked on. Also discovered significant ding on NOS camera. I don’t think it came that way.

–Rolex 1680 delayed due to snow storms back East.


–Replaced hearing aid batteries around 1 PM.

–Suwannee (Nighthaxan) Phat Phinger knife came in; way too small.

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