–Replaced hearing aid batteries around Noon.
–Resurrected the Cremina while the Coffex is being updated.
–Replaced hearing aid batteries around Noon.
–Resurrected the Cremina while the Coffex is being updated.
–Put some Flex Tape on the gutter leak.
–Sold the 270 Shigefusa/Munemasa yanagiba.
–Spent a while cleaning the gutter over the garbage bins preparatory to stopping a leak.
–Selling knives, selling knives.
–Community Tree Service came around 8 AM and trimmed the redwood for $750. Seems like good work.
–Sold a Konosuke Fujiyama blue 2 to Elliot Golan at KKF. He has friends who might be nterested in other of my knives; will get him some pics and pricing.
–Dr. Stegman canceled on Grace, so no trip to the Bay Area.
–Tried to use blu-ray player to watch the Raines pilot I put on CD in March of 2007. No dice. Copied the .avi file to Mac hard drive; VLC plays it fine. Will watch on TV via HDMI cable. Only 7 episodes of the show were made, and (except for one copy of the pilot on eBay) they are totally unavailable. Bummer.
–Rain——-maybe the end of it for a while…
–Community Tree Service came by to give estimate: $1,650 for full trim, $750 for lower branches. Went with $750.
–Finally got access to CKTG purchase history. Turns out I bought a Yoshimitsu tamahagane, no handle, for $499 in 2014. Seriously puzzling. Why did I put $650 in the spreadsheet? I vaguely remember getting it, cleaning it up, putting it away. How did it turn into a Mizuno, with (what looks like) factory handle and saya?
–Went recycling/shopping at Deluxe Foods. Recycling closed.
–Walked over to Krakowski’s to check construction. Brick wall getting replaced, and Adriana gave tiny hint that we might want to get our redwood trimmed so it doesn’t drop stuff in their yard.
–Replaced hearing aid batteries around 11 AM.
–Made brownies in convection microwave. Not huge fun.
–All regulators serviced and working well.
–Took a shower. Got serious for the first time in a long time about lathering up a brush. Promising.
–iPhone rose gold came in; got it working. New Resound app doesn’t add much.
–Konosuke Fujiyama FM 210 came in. Beauty!
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