Month: April 2019 (Page 2 of 3)


–Went for 8-mile bike ride around San Andreas: Oceanview, Peaceful Valley. Exhausted.

–Finally got the Coffex tube to seal (o-rings) and it’s working with the new pump. Nice.

–Played around with Teknas, and though I can’t be sure, it appears that just sitting for a while caused a couple of the diaphragms to seal. Nice. Testing this with 5 leaky diaphragms in a dated bag; will check them periodically.


–Took a longish walk on the beach, found 2 sand dollars and a heavy something, looks like brain coral.

–Hat stretcher came in.


–Two packages that USPS was supposed to deliver are “available for pickup.” Again. This is getting old.

–Watched another episode of Raines.


–Replaced hearing aid batteries around 10 AM.

–Saved DVDs came in (2007 TV show). Total out 5 episodes (out of 13): first, last, and 3 others. Both say “Consider Saved” on the cover–these are likely copies sent out to Emmy voters.


–Went to post office to get package “awaiting delivery.” USPS is off the rails here.

–Tap came for Rolex. Drilled and tapped case for new case tube. Didn’t seem necessary: drill hardly touched the old threads, tap went in easily. New case tube did thread tight, though, so all seems well.


–Got bird seed with lots of sunflower seeds.

–Power out from 6 PM to 8:30 PM. We need a generator.

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