Month: May 2019 (Page 2 of 4)


–Went to REI to look at Sahara hiking shorts. Size 38 fit, they had one, bought it. Bought two more online.

–Roasted some decaf.


–Checked tires on both cars (got warning last night in Civic regarding pressure). All slightly low, no obvious problems. Filled.

–Took a short bike ride. Chilly.


–Furnace went out during the night. Came back on AFTER I set up appointment with Steve from Bellows Plumbing/Heating. He spent a while looking at it, ended up cleaning flame sensor. Gave a price for replacing flame sensor, but did not recommend it as it seemed to be fine. $149 service charge. Happy.

–Noticed a NEW pit on Shig western suji, in same area as others near kanji. Got rid of it, but this is scary stuff.


–Re-roasted some Barefoot Redcab to make it easier to grind. Not a good idea.

–Shig 270 western sujihiki came in, poorly wrapped and pitted. Cleaned it up, offered to trade for 210 western gyuto + $500 with eitan at KKF. He got rude.


–A little rain came.

–Also tried to swap blades in the two Benchmade Boguszewski spike autos. Nope. Hole must have been drilled at an angle in longer blade.


–Replaced hearing aid batteries around Noon.

–iPhone SE came in; all good. Ordered new battery anyway (Coconut battery app says 124 cycles, which is weird; same app shows 17 charge cycles for Mac).

–Second Benchmade/Boguszewski auto came in. Better-centered blade, but blade is .5″ shorter than the first one. Very strange.


–Played with watches/bracelets; tried to clear off paperwork from desk.

–Lunch on the bluff.

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