–Found pitting on Shig 270 Western suji. Cleaned it up (very nicely, I must say) and put some Boeshield on it.
–Replaced hearing aid battery around 7 PM.
–Found pitting on Shig 270 Western suji. Cleaned it up (very nicely, I must say) and put some Boeshield on it.
–Replaced hearing aid battery around 7 PM.
–Put stock handle back on Shigefusa kitaeji usuba in preparation for selling.
–Knife handle finally came in. Dark red on one side, blond on the other (not shown so much in pictures). Tossed.
–Stopped Pavoni hissing leak. Tightened pressure gauge and fittings, as well as OPV. Not sure what started the leak.
–Took Grace to dentist for crown molding.
–Had lunch at Zameen restaurant. Lamb burger for me, really good.
–Replaced hearing aid battery around 10 AM.
–Took a walk on the beach. Windy.
–Western Tsourkan came in. Had forge marks (or something) on blade that couldn’t be sanded out. Will toss.
–Put Kato 240 up for sale at KKF. Disaster. My fault. Knife had obviously been refinished (from across blade to parallel) and sharpened (point at heel was rounded)—likely by me. Can’t believe what an idiot I am. Won’t happen again.
–Nice gold Submariner came up on eBay for $17,250/offer. I offered $17,000. “Oops,” they said, “there was a mistake in pricing. It’s actually $18,900.” Shitheads. This has happened before. I believe dealers put the /offer in just to gauge interest. If someone bites, they’ll immediately raise the price significantly.
–Robert Erickson knife came in. As usual, too thick/heavy. No more kitchen knives from bladeforums.
–SOMETHING caused Rocket drip tray to overflow—acted like FloJet was leaking or open or something. Took machine apart again to dry out. This is getting old.
–Cleared weeds behind the garden shed. Thought I found a blackberry bush. Not likely.
–Put my favorite old long thin wa handle on the Fujiyama. Nice.
–Sharpened Grace’s knives.
–Took Boris T. Beemer to Moss Landing. Got dried apricots, tomatoes, a potato, and—a great piece of halibut from the fishing boat Betticia.
–Farm Frash (sic) Produce, Nob Hill, Pure Water, CVS.
–Replaced hearing aid batteries around 6 PM.
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