–Drove to Sac. Huge slow-down on 17.
–HOA approved new roof.
–Drove to Sac. Huge slow-down on 17.
–HOA approved new roof.
–Went to Best Buy to pick up modem/router.
–Packed guns and knives to take to Sac.
–Did a little Christmas shopping at Capitola mall. Lunch at Togo’s. Last one, I fear: their rolls are huge and they don’t offer sliced bread.
–Bought a router/modem from Best Buy; rescheduled Comcast appointment for 12/18.
–Replaced hearing aid batteries around 4 PM.
–Went to Home Depot to look at refrigerators. Grace pointed out that we have to get a “counter-depth” model, as that’s what is there now.
–Went to Santa Cruz for Christmas shopping. Disappointing. Nothing at Artisans and Agency, formerly a gold mine; got some stuff at the bookstore (while avoiding the “Fuck you, bitch!” socks); got some socks at the sock store (ditto).
–Made some French press coffee. Pretty good.
–Pool Time guy came out. Seemed pretty straightforward, though on a different planet from Deja Blue in terms of what needed doing. Signed contract for pump and filter replacement.
–Lunch at Jasper’s Giant Burger. Pretty darn good (blue cheese burger).
–Drove back to LSB. No problem except (a) GPS tried to get me to take many exits off 680 for no obvious reason; (b) the usual 3 PM slowdown on US 1.
–I’m beat.
–Got locks changed to single key.
–Watched “Angel Has Fallen.” Not a bad movie. Downloaded and watched current episode of Seal Team. Moving more and more towards soap opera.
–Took The Beemer to Sac to start moving in to Tunnel Hill. Most everything is okay. Did kill a mosquito in the kitchen. Garage stinks of former pet. Water is off (will be turned on tomorrow) because it apparently is NOT provided by Sac County Utilities, but by Golden State Water, a private company that is regulated by the CPUC. And I have internet: Xfinity wifi is available and fast.
–Heard from Kim (Bessolo) that Jeanne Davis died.
–Took the Beemer to get gas, Peet’s coffee for Grace.
–Packed the Beemer.
–Another drizzly day.
–Finally succeeded (I think) in getting google calendar (with audible alerts) on iPhone.
–Drafted letter to Curtis Finton re 2019 taxes; will email when I confirm his address.
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