Month: May 2020 (Page 2 of 4)


–Went to Roseville Cyclery to pick up Kuat rack. Installed it. Turns out the locking arm touches the fork. Crap. Looking into 1Up rack–which won’t be available until late June. Crap.

–Lots of algae in pool. Scraped, and added pool shock. Also put a chlorine tab (just discovered I still have a bucket of those) in the floater.

–Mowed the lawn. Need to do it more often, so I don’t have to stop and empty the bag in the middle.


–Got trailer hitch installed at Sundowner in Auburn. Took a couple of hours.

–Took a bike ride, crossing the river at Hazel. Got lost, got exhausted. Improvement coming soon, right?


–Pool Time came, 3 hours late, and denied responsibility for anything. Pool decided to work fine just before they got here, of course. I finally convinced them to replace the pressure gauge, whereupon the pressure shot up from 2 PSI to 16. Jerks.

–Had Creamy Bacon Mac and Cheese from the Pasta Queen. Yucko.


–Specialized Sirrus came in. Sweet bike. Had a scare when acetone made a mess while trying to remove sticker adhesive. Mother’s mag saved the day. Bike isn’t as light as I thought it would be, and has a significantly higher high gear compared to the InnerLight. Hydraulic brakes don’t have much “pedal,” but they don’t act like they’re going to hit the handlebars and they don’t rub. Haven’t tried a real hard stop yet.

–Went for a brief swim. Pool a little cool at 81, new swim fins too small and stiff. New Speedo goggles okay after an initial leak.


–Returned the old iPhone at the UPS store; took a little ride around the neighborhood.



–Sanded a ding out of a western Shigefusa gyuto, refinished it, ready for sale.

–Hung a shower curtain liner in Grace’s bathroom.


–Put gas in the Civic, first time since March 20th.

–Douglas Electric came out and (properly) fixed the outside photocell and the inside porch light timer.

–Hung the burro tail succulent (which, like the other cacti, is thriving) from a tree, as it was hitting the ground.


–Tried to seal up watering hole in pool rocks. We’ll see.

–Added (new, deluxe) bird seed to garden feeder. Added a plain (or oak) titmouse to sightings of goldfinch, house finch and mourning dove.

–Baked a loaf of one-hour bread.

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