–Went to Noah’s Bagels. Got 13 sesame for $8 (Monday special I think. On the soft side, but tasty. Bagel holder from Etsy makes slicing a breeze.
–Made pizza. Not my best.
–Went to Noah’s Bagels. Got 13 sesame for $8 (Monday special I think. On the soft side, but tasty. Bagel holder from Etsy makes slicing a breeze.
–Made pizza. Not my best.
–FINISHED the garden sprinklers. What a hassle. Put lime tree and basil plant in the ground. Debating the tomato.
–Took a swim. Nice.
–Had minor gastro distress last night, but woke up really dizzy and nauseous. Came downstairs, threw up, went back to bed until Noon.
–Still feeling a little peaked. Hope it’s just dehydration.
–Rode 12 miles.
–Took a swim, then finished plugging lines in bottom garden.
–Rode the bike. Power Ade gave me a second wind. Perhaps.
–Played with sprinklers off and on all day. Was pretty much done with the big garden at ground level, when several geysers arose. These are bitches to fix, as the pipes are (a) not 1/2″ drip line, (b) buried deep. Crap.
–Took a swim.
–Laconico compound blade knife came in–except it wasn’t compound. Crap.
–Went to a strawberry stand way out on Jackson. Great berries, absurd prices ($23/flat, compared to $14 at Nai’s).
–Took a swim.
–Went to Folsom to ride with Tom. Crapped out after a few hills. Tom mentioned that he blew 200% with his new spirometer. Oh well. Guess I’ll try to ride every morning and hope for improvement.
–Took a swim.
–Went to Davis Ranch at Sloughhouse for veggies. Not too impressed. Got some corn and ho-hum tomatoes, squash, blackberries.
–Replaced hearing aid batteries around 6 PM.
–Continued with sprinklers. Found a legacy PVC/riser system. Will cut off and cap any obvious ones that are sticking out. Not worth going that deep to try and trace it all.
–Took a swim; took a shower.
–Dug up more sprinkler line on station 4. Found multiple emitters doing no good–and a valve to shut them down. Found and fixed a couple of geysers. Slow work.
–Ordered a true pocketable Exilim on eBay, like the one I had years ago.
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