Month: July 2020 (Page 2 of 4)


–Fixed Xeoleo grinder after stupidly breaking it.

–Took a shower. Shaved with vintage Gillette adjustable + Derby blade. Surprisingly close and comfortable.


–Took Grace on scouting run to Beals Point and parking lot near the trail around mile 22. Put gas in the Honda. Been getting a “service needed” alert, and today it added a “tire pressure” warning. I made both warnings go away.

–Took Cremina apart. Discovered a blob of silicone under the over-pressure relief valve, and (mind-boggling) what appeared to be a purpose-built, right-angle, blue silicone plug in the bottom of the sight glass. That explains why the sight glass didn’t work, but why did they plug it?

–Took a swim. Grace used the pool today for the first time, for exercises.


–Got some strawberries from Vai and corn/squash/peaches/tomatoes from Perry’s.



–Took a ride. Mostly quiet, but a little clicking when ascending, as is often the case. Need to remember to get off the seat to try and pinpoint the source.

–Took a shower.


–Played with noisy bike. After several hours, found the Park Tool video on rear derailleurs and adjusted mine. No change in noise. Finally re-re-re-lubed the seatpost (inside the split as well as outside), and all seems quiet now.

–Surprised to see that plants, which haven’t been hand-watered in two days, look fine.


–Went to Green Acres Nursery in Folsom for bird seed, barrel cactus, and 4 gph emitters.

–Walked to Bel Air for dessert and comet Neowise. Got dessert, not Neowise.


–Rode miles 9-15 of the JSMBT with Tom Elken. After all my efforts to quiet the bike, it made all sorts of noises.

–Roasted (charred) some caf beans.

–Took a swim.


–Replaced crystal on Rolex 5513. Not trivial, but worked out well.

–Discovered that the solar down-pipe trickle originates on roof fitting, not on the elbow that I so beautifully sealed. Crap.


–Spent a while trying to fix the tiny leak in the solar return pipe. No luck until (a) it stopped leaking with the pump off (and thus got dry), (b) I used some moldable epoxy. We’ll see tomorrow.



–Cleaned up fountain, which had started looking a little green. Doves and squirrels been at it all day (it’s hot).

–Took a bike ride. Easy out, less easy back (13.8 miles). It’s hot.

–Lubed the bike seatpost again (it was clicking again). Stuck some rubber pieces in cable housings to stop their noise. Bike seems quiet now, except for a muted whir while pedaling. Could be the derailleur is a little off; could be nothing.

–Got a free Red Vine pizza at Blaze (with coupon). Good, not mind-boggling.

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