Month: November 2020 (Page 3 of 3)


–Simpson Centenary brush came in. Nice. Also Lillicrap’s hone. Nice.

–Sold Shig 135 kitaeji petty. Went to Bel Air to mail it, turns out they’ve closed ALL Raley’s/Bel Air Guest Services desks. Crap. Went to the PO to mail the knife.


–Roasted some caf beans.

–Figured out how to adjust timing on Rolex 1570 movement (in the rhodium Datejust). Unfortunately, that watch runs slow and low amplitude at best, and the 5513 with the 1570 movement doesn’t run at all now, possibly because I unscrewed the lever set (stem lock) screw by mistake. Crap.

–Right hearing aid battery (replaced yesterday) failed. Replaced both again around 6 PM. It’s conceivable I put the old (right) battery back in yesterday when I replaced them.


–Biden is resident-elect!!

–(What turned out to be my second) Gillette rhodium razor came in. Really tight and squeaky at first, but okay after a Dawn soak/ultrasonic. Red paint on the spring “window” makes it clear that seller didn’t disassemble razor before cleaning and plating. Not sure what I’ll do with it (them).

–Replaced hearing aid batteries around 5 PM. Seems soon.


–Got a scuba tank filled at Dolphin.

–Was playing with the 5513 movement, thinking it was the 1803. Was surprised to see the stem-locking screw work okay. Then noticed the watch wouldn’t run. Possible I messed up by loosening the stem-locking screw (Ivanov called it the set lever screw) too much. But winding seems to work, and turning the stem seems like it would move the hands. Crap.


–Returned the ill-fitting Rolex 1803 link. New link came in, fits perfectly.

–Yet another Rubberset brush came in. Like the last two, it was speckled with corrosion. It also had a major chip (break? fracture?) in the knot half, and lots of pitting in the lower half. Tossed it. Lesson: No matter how good it looks in eBay photos, it’s crap. That aluminum, probably not flawless when new,  just doesn’t age well.

–Made pizza with dough from yesterday. Pretty darn good, but that was mostly because of cheese and tomatoes. Dough was weirdly non-elastic. Practice makes perfect.


–Biden appears to be winning, but it’s close. All the pollsters were wrong–except maybe the Mulcahy guy, with his “deep” methods for getting at true intentions of people who don’t want to admit being Trump voters.

–Marie for dinner.


–Changed the clock on the pool controller. Tried to adjust the pool sweeper to speed it up, but after looking at a manual, turns out out what I did was kind of irrelevant. Much to learn.

–Took a ride to Karen’s Bakery in Folsom and got some cookies. Surprisingly tiring.


–Cleaned window at coffee bar overlooking garden. Will likely have to clean it again tomorrow. Looks good, though.

–Misdirected Gillette Fat Boy came in. Turns out it lacks the notches for easy disassembly, so I tore it apart. Not a great razor. Later shaved with my Fat Boy (also lacks notches), and noticed it appears to have been polished and re-plated. Beautiful razor.

–Made cinnamon rolls for dessert.


–Pruned stuff in the garden and planted the milkweeds.

–Emptied the bag on the pool sweeper. Tried turning the adjustment screw by hand but couldn’t. Later.

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