–Opened all heating vents everywhere. Reset temps and times.
–Both Contax cameras came in. Working model didn’t work well until I put new high-end AA batteries in. Now everything seems to work. Photos are dim and (perhaps) red-toned; I hope to remedy at least the dimness with a 1.4 lens just ordered from Japan (current lens is a Vario 3.5). Not as scuffed up as I had feared. Non-working one has a great case, but doesn’t write to memory. Also (as I recall from a previous non-working N Digital) it will not go into RAW mode using the “Custom Settings” or “Custom Modes” menus (that is, it won’t go into RAW mode at all–just defaults to jpeg). Found a guy on youtube/instagram who might be able to swap bodies, but that’s probably too risky, especially given that the working one isn’t really bad.
–Thor tamper came in. Sort of ugly wood (I knew that), heavier than expected, works fine.
–Grace is in a snit.