–Got fruit/veggies at the light rail farmers market.

–Re-unboxed the Leica M 262. Put a voltmeter on the charger (and another charger); it certainly appears that the charger is putting out 0 volts, as the other one appeared to be putting out 8 or so. Rigged up one of my battery chargers to the Leica battery with some wires; doesn’t seem to be doing anything. If the (coming) Nitecore charger works on this battery, I may well keep the camera. Though it does look like a gray market unit (no warranty), given that the serial number appears to have been obscured with a sharpie under the plastic cover on the base. Very weird.

–Played around some more with the pool sweep. Given that it still turns circles after re-aiming the rear jet 5 times, I’m thinking the only cure will be slowing it down with a restrictor or bypass valve adjustment.