Month: February 2021 (Page 2 of 3)


–Did some research on Pacific Grove water permits. Thick stuff.

–Turns out the multitude of hearing aid batteries I have, 312’s, are wrong. The hearing aids take #13 batteries. I tossed a bunch a while ago, but have a vague recollection that my confusion then was 310 vs. 312. I don’t know. Will order #13’s on eBay.


–Zenitar lens came in. A quick test suggested it’s better than the Fujinons, but focus ring is jerky. I’ll CLA it.

–Went to Roseville for vaccinations. Smooth. Stopped at Target on the way back, which didn’t have my eye drops or deodorant or yeast. Things is fallin’ apart…


–Eterna Kontiki watch case came in. Now I just need a nice dial/movement.

–Made 3 baguettes with King Arthur flour recipe. Takes all day, essentially, with 45 minutes between each of several rises.


–Identified a periwinkle plant by the back pool fence.

–Subscribed to Atlantic Monthly. Seems kind of like the New Yorker of 10 years ago, before it welcomed hyper-liberalism and coarse language.


–Cleaned the bird fountain; put the two hoses back in place.

–Got oranges, apples, radishes at the Folsom light rail farmers market.


–Leica C-Lux fell prey to a “Mode dial is not in the proper position” fault last night. Very frustrating: sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. Looking on google today showed this is a fairly common issue with point-and-shoot mode dials–Nikon, Lumix, etc.–probably all from the same factory in China. I played with it today. Took the back off and unclipped/reclipped a connector; blew a lot of compressed air on it; etc. It works now, but I may buy another just to avoid the anxiety over the next failure. [edit: Failed again just now (3 PM). Bought another from Amazon.]

–Started dough for a pan pizza tomorrow.


–Did big shopping for Grace’s list at Bel Air.

–Leica C-Lux came in. It also feels good to hold. There was some scary stuff at first (uncentered focus point, cluttered screen), but after a second round of setup all looked good. And the photos are astounding. Using mega-zoom and auto focus on the hummingbird feeder, I can read all the text on it. Further, the jpg’s seem to allow as much manipulation as the rwl’s; don’t know that I even need to shoot raw on this camera. FINALLY!!


–Grace is in a snit again.

–Took a shower. New Pearl razor is okay, but really heavy. Vintage Gibbs razor is small but superb. A winner!


–Replaced hearing aid batteries at 9 AM.

–Got error messages trying to install Lightroom on Grace’s Mac. Turns out she wants to repair photos anyway, not just optimize exposure and such. So she’s going with GIMP, already on her computer. After a fair amount of hassle and a chat session at Adobe, my Lightroom activation count was reset to zero. I uninstalled it then reinstalled it, and it sings now. A win.

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