–Took the BMW to Niello for a service. All fine. They checked the driver’s side mirror, couldn’t find any issues. Parked the car on the left, in the “single” spot–so Grace can have a chance to drive the Honda without having to worry about getting in and out. Hope I can get the Beemer in and out by myself unscathed.
–The Leica M 240 came in finally; works nice. The Nitecore charger charged it right up, so that expense was justified. Took some great photos of the camellia with (a) the Summicron 50/2 dual range that I cut down so it wouldn’t hit anything in the camera; (b) the Voigtlander Color Skopar 35/2.5; and (c) the Voigtlander Nokton 35/1.4. Right now I like the Voigts better than the Summicron. Tabbed focus rings move nicely and snap into focus, and the colors look great. It’s going to be a bit of a pain to either manually code them every time I put them on the camera or permanently code them with a 6-bit kit. OTOH, the Summicron also has to be manually coded. We’ll see.