–Slow day. Diddled in the den for a bit, looked at gold watches on eBay, made an offer for an 1803 without bracelet.
–Took a swim. Pool was allegedly 88. Used EMF baseball cap to shade eyes while on my back; much better.
–Slow day. Diddled in the den for a bit, looked at gold watches on eBay, made an offer for an 1803 without bracelet.
–Took a swim. Pool was allegedly 88. Used EMF baseball cap to shade eyes while on my back; much better.
–Tidied up the watch bracelet database. Still can’t believe I tossed a 630 end link for the 1035 bracelet, but it didn’t show up today.
–Probably due for a second shingles shot, but there’s nothing on google calendar OR this journal about either one. Very strange.
–Selle San Marco Regal came in. Wrong (fabric) cover. My fault, as usual.
–Found the iPod I thought I might have tossed. So now I have two identical 30gb black ones, and tossed the 256gb silver one (case showed evidence of being pried open, and after opening it myself I couldn’t get it to close properly). None of these (I believe) are 5.5 models, as they lack the “Search” function. Hoping the “new” 80gb I ordered from China (a) is actually new, and (b) is the enhanced version.
–Got the Gillette 1947 Aristocrat in. Cleaned up great with Easy-Off, but was missing an end cap and had some alignment issues. I had thought it was uber-rare, but went to eBay and found 3-4 others with the white fabric inside the case. Oh well…
–Went to the Orangevale farmers market for salsa, radishes, cherries, squash, coffee beans (new vendor, to me anyway).
–Made pizza for dinner, also nice.
–Played with watches for a bit. Put together an Eterna Kon-Tiki with a nice Gay Freres bracelet and mint medallion on the caseback. Tossed a Kon-Tiki that should have been identical, but was actually a mm or two smaller, so nothing was interchangeable. Plus, when the case clamps were tightened, the date wheel would hang up and not to the next number. Very weird.
–Grilled up some Corralitos hot smoked sausages to go with leftover potato salad and over-ripe peaches. Good stuff.
–Went biking with Tom Elken in El Dorado Hills. Good ride.
–Replaced hearing aid batteries around 4 PM.
–Had breakfast/got bagels at Noah’s. Shopped for stuff at Raley’s.
–Comcast went out completely around 3 PM. Didn’t come back until 2:30 AM (they said). Wish there was a viable lternative.
–Had turkey burgers, corn, potato salad for dinner. Yum!
–Shortened the brake cables on the InnerLight. Don’t know what possessed me to have them that long.
–Took a ride on the canal. Speedometer went wacko–the sensor is about a millimeter from the magnet, so I don’t know what’s up. Asshole racer boy passed me on the right in the tunnel. So: (1) Don’t ride on weekends; (2) Find a way to avoid the tunnel.
–Mom bird has been bringing baby birds to feed them peanuts.
–Cleaned the pool filter for the third time in a month, because Grace “hears things.”
–Back is bad.
–Another cool no-swim day.
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