–Went to Noah’s bagels. Got 9 sesame, 4 plain. The place was a zoo again.

–DeVon’s Jewelers called: the 5512 was back fro Rolex. I picked it up. Has a nice luminova dial and hands. Case is a little thinner than I recalled. I tried to put the new (old) caseback from eBay on it: no go. Fiddled with it for a while, now neither caseback will screw on. I’ll ask Phillip Ridley if he can repair it, but I fear it will require laser welding, and I don’t think he does that. Crap crap crap.

–Took a swim. Watched the skimmer flush a couple of times when I stuck my hand in. Moved the flapper valve under the basket from nearly closed to wide open. I’m sure that’ll fix it, given my day so far…