Month: July 2021 (Page 2 of 3)


–Mowed the lawn. Added drippers to the two “grass” plants in the garden (I had blocked the drippers after chopping down the plants when it looked like they wouldn’t come back. They’re coming back).

–Made BLTs for dinner with some Thao tomatoes and Acme bread. Pretty good.


–Went to Noah’s bagels. Got 9 sesame, 4 plain. The place was a zoo again.

–DeVon’s Jewelers called: the 5512 was back fro Rolex. I picked it up. Has a nice luminova dial and hands. Case is a little thinner than I recalled. I tried to put the new (old) caseback from eBay on it: no go. Fiddled with it for a while, now neither caseback will screw on. I’ll ask Phillip Ridley if he can repair it, but I fear it will require laser welding, and I don’t think he does that. Crap crap crap.

–Took a swim. Watched the skimmer flush a couple of times when I stuck my hand in. Moved the flapper valve under the basket from nearly closed to wide open. I’m sure that’ll fix it, given my day so far…


–I compared C-Lux (more pixels, more zoom) to D-Lux 109 (faster lens, working manual focus, Lightroom-ready). Wanted to like the 109, but the sharpness/quality of C-Lux photos at max zoom is astonishing; there’s no better camera for catching squirrels at their cutest.

–[edit] Camera stuff moot: I bought a Leica Q2 from Hong Kong. Yes, I have problems…


–Pool was pumping air this morning. Took several restarts to get it going. Cause was skimmer opening getting completely blocked yesterday, causing several “flushes” and (presumably) sucking in a ton of air. Too many pool floats…

–Took the Beemer out and found (by accident again) the ST strawberry stand on Jackson Highway. Got a 3-pack of strawberries, onion, blackberries, 4-5 smallish tomatoes–for $13. Unbelievable. And the strawberries are the first really good ones we’ve had this season. Will be back.

–Took a swim. Took a shower, then shaved with the newly-acquired Gibbs adjustable razor. Wow! No blade feel, great shave.


–Yet another day’s delay for FedEx delivering the Leica 109. Really pissin’ me off.

–Added water (twice) and chlorine to the pool.

–Barbecued some Corralitos sausages, corn, squash. Yummy!


–Went to Folsom REI to replace broken nose clip. Though web said they had some, they didn’t. Went to Dick’s Sporting Goods and bought one (Tyr, plastic). Will order the metal Cottonmouth.



–Ptolemy coin came in. Great detail, but has some possibly unremovable dark spots. Soaking in baking soda and sodium carbonate.

–Nose clips broke. Tried the mask: it leaked (or something). Tried goggles without nose clips: nope. May get some at REI Folsom tomorrow.


–Did some minimal housecleaning in anticipation of Tom Elken being over tomorrow after a ride.

–Took a swim.


–Slow day, not as hot as predicted. Pool was at temperature (85) by 10:30. I really need to re-program it. Maybe run it from 10 to 2, swim before sun hits it, add chlorine after swimming. Something like that.

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