–Ground off Wolbrook logo from ugly oversize “vintage” dive watch beads of rice bracelet. Tried it on Helson Sharkmaster, but spring pins/lug holes wouldn’t line up. Put a Squale BOR on the Helson instead; looks great.
–$200 Batman bezel insert came in. Definitely different from the $20 insert I have (which has a couple of tiny nicks in it), and certainly not worth $180 more. Not sure what I’ll put either insert on. The most appropriate would be a (discontinued) Squale Giramondo GMT: right size, Mercedes hands. There’s only available–at chrono24 for $1,000+. Maybe.
–Played with the two portafilter gaskets again. The thick one (OE) really is too thick, and the thin one (Cerini) really is too thin. I put the thick one on the belt grinder for a while, and now it’s perfect: portafilter locks in just past six o’clock. I’m praying that my uneven grind job will be compensated for by the pliability of the gasket.
–Took a shower. Tried the Wolfman again: titanium handle, WR2 satin head, custom 1.20mm gap. Got a couple of non-self-healing chin nicks. Guess I could try ONCE more with a .80mm WR1 head. I don’t want to lose the titanium handle, but the nicks are getting old.