–Green Samsung S10e came in. Better in some lights than others. Like the black one, the SIM tray is not perfectly flush. Tried to sand down one of the trays, phone would no longer see the SIM. Ordered a replacement SIM tray.

–Rolex VC (1978) clasp came in. Took some doing, but I managed to swap it onto a 93150. Good thing I ordered two of the rivet pins…

–A neighbor named Bill George dropped by and chatted about grinder/buffer. Heard I was into watches, and later dropped off two fake Rolexes (quartz) from the ’80s. One is trashed and without bracelet, the other is not bad, with a two-tone bracelet. I’ll put batteries in and figure out what to do with them. Bill is moving to Arizona–so much for that budding friendship.

–Neighbor boy Ryan (12ish) dropped by to retrieve tennis ball that had gone over the fence. Seems like a nice kid, based on four seconds of conversation.