–Third (or fourth?) portafilter gasket came in. I sanded it down .2-.3mm and it seems pretty close to perfect: handle comes almost to 6 o’clock. It could probably stand another .1-.2mm shaved off (especially when the machine is hot), but I’m taking this one slow.
–Went to Target for wrapping paper/ribbon, eye drops, shampoo, bottled water (not Crystal Geyser–I think I’ve been over-paranoid about using only Crystal Geyser).
–Polished up the caseback on the black Daytona. What a nightmare. Ended up with a combo (bastard) sandpaper/satin wheel finish. Praying that Kirill Yuzh won’t catch it.
–Phil Ridley wrote: in addition to selling me the super-dome crystal, he wants to sell a set of genuine tritium hands. I fear the price…