Month: January 2022 (Page 1 of 3)


–Played with knives. Laconico with ghost jade scales had some corrosion on blade in pivot area. Cleaned it up with ScotchBrite belts, and after 14 attempts to perfect the action it started feeling quite rough. Might look for some new washers; might toss it.

–After EZ-Off-ing the Erie, I ran a couple of seasoning cycles. Noticed some pitting on the inside walls that I hadn’t seen before. (a) Maybe I never looked; (b) maybe it was covered by grunge that came off with electrolysis; (c) maybe hot cheese caused the pitting. The appearance will improve (I hope) as it gets more seasoned.


–Got Clementines and broccoli at the Folsom farmers market.

–After some major hassles last night, I got the new black Samsung S10e updated to Android 12 this morning at 2 AM, after reflux awakened me. The green S10e doesn’t yet seem to know about Android 12, possibly because the new black one was sold as a Verizon phone (completely unlocked!) and Verizon phones have some special privileges.

–Fixed (again) the fans under my laptop. Smooth and quiet now.

–Bought some Ethereum. Done for now: $10k each Ethereum and Bitcoin, $5k each Algorand and Polkadot. Rich soon.


–Shirogorov Brothers knife came in. Very nice.

–Took a 5.75 mile ride around the ‘hood on the InnerLight. Nice.


–Fercal bezel adjuster came. It might actually have helped compress a retaining ring and expand a bezel. My fingers are so raw it’s hard to tell.

–Garmin came in that lets you change the wakeup phrase. I’m sticking with the other one (Alexa-ready) for now: I like the voice a little better, and it seems somewhat snappier, with better comprehension. We’ll see.


–Walked to Dr. Cripe the dentist. All good. Stopped at Bel Air for dessert and cream.

–Brad Southard flipper came in. As I hoped (from the sales video), the action is really superb. By comparison, I hurt my fingertip flipping the Shirogorov on the way to the dentist. Took the Southard apart and cleaned it up a bit, noted two extra screws after reassembly. Took it apart again and found where they went.

–Battery charger came in. Will try it on the Erie spider skillet tomorrow.


–Took the pump off the Livietta, did not disassemble it, put it back on. Still sings. Also showed really long splooshes today. The problem has to be in that solenoid assembly. I give up.


–Went to FedEx to drop off 5513 for hand relume by Ridley.

–Second Garmin came in. STILL WRONG! I really need to slow down when ordering stuff. This one won’t let you customize a wake-up phrase or (hard to believe) save a home address. It does integrate with Alexa, which might be why it was so expensive. I bought a third which I know is correct. Right.

–Switched from iPhone back to green Galaxy (noticed scratches on front glass of black Galaxy). This after ordering a black iPhone. When will it stop?

–Had trouble buying Bitcoin this morning, maybe because it would have left < $2k in BofA. Transferred a bunch from savings to checking and succeeded with Bitcoin this afternoon.


–Played a little with the “exhaust” tube on the Pasquini. Still squeals.

–Made pizza for dinner, with mozzarella “pearls,” cherry tomatoes, mushrooms, bell pepper. Darn good.


–Got Clementines and broccoli at the Folsom farmers market.

–Crypto prices seem to be rebounding a bit. A guy on reddit showed a very cool chart: how long it takes Bitcoin price to come back after a correction. Maybe a dozen data points since 2018, with early rebounds taking ~12 months, more recent ones ~2-3 months, with a definite downward trend. Promising.


–Went to BofA in Carmichael to get ATM card working. Works.

–Stock market is tanking and–unfortunately–crypto is going down at the same rate. Was hoping they were a little less correlated. Bought $5k of Bitcoin at Kraken. Didn’t seem like seven days since last purchase, but I’ll have to check history.

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