–Got caf and decaf beans at Peet’s. Incredible amount of broken beans in the decaf (very dark roast).
–Polished the two Paradigm Diamondback razors. Not 100% clear which is 2020 (polished) and which is 2019 (less polished). And I’m still seeing fog on bright stainless that doesn’t make sense–hard to believe I left it in that state the last time I polished. Do I need to use different rouge? Clean the wheel before every use?
–Bought a tool for adjusting Shirogorov knives. Scarily, something called “Shop Pay” knew my name, address, phone number, and BofA credit card info. They also knew Rob Hagiwara’s address, so maybe this happened when I bought him a Christmas present. I deleted address and credit card, couldn’t delete the account. Scary stuff.