Month: May 2022 (Page 1 of 3)


–Set pool pump at 2900, aux2 at 2500. Still got air bubbles all day–though the air temp never got over 80.

–Watched “Free Guy.” Fabulous movie. A little thick at the beginning for us non-gaming oldsters, but it sorted itself out fairly quickly.


–Fixed a leak in one of the solar tubes. Couldn’t use the gouging tool to cut a furrow (too weak and/or no practice), so I just cut the line and put a stopper in each end.

–Pool sweep was going crazy (as usual lately), so I got in the pool with pliers and opened up the bypass valve on the line going to the sweeper. Now there’s tons of water coming out of the bypass, and the pool sweep moves very slowly. FINALLY!


–Went for another test drive at GT Auto Lounge. Shimmy was better, but still present. Reading up on Mustang alignment/balance, it seems to be a thorny issue. And Grace is being so silent about all this I just decided to give it up. Guess I’ll wait for a dealer to offer a rice rocket without markup.

–Had to add water to the pool twice; super windy today. Also dropped the RPMs down on main and aux2 pumps.


–Fixed some sprinklers out front that Grace had noticed were on the fritz.

–Went to get some ice cream at Bel Air; noticed (as I was taking it to the checkout counter) that I didn’t have my wallet. Crap.

–Downloaded and watch Copshop. Violent, but good.


–Returned the (too thin) chair mats to Staples.

–Went to GT Lounge. Aidan not in. Old geezer was, so I sat in the GT500, worked the clutch (a little stiff), shifted gears (a little ambiguous), listened to the engine (seems smooth and quiet).

–Went to the Orangevale farmers market. They’ve moved it from parking lot to grass. Not much there (no tomatoes or salsa); I got a squash and some Nai strawberries.

–Barbecued pork chops (with jalapeno/mint marinade), corn, squash. Pretty darn good.


–Went to Staples to get some thicker chair mats. Turns out the two I got are identical to the two I bought a while ago. What an idiot.

–Shirogorov F95R T (blue anodizing) came in. Beauty. Despite Loctite, the new tool took it apart easily. Cleaned it up and reassembled. Very smooth action. Starting to think there might be something to the notion of these “breaking in.” Or else the newer ones are crap…

–Took a swim.


–Went to GT Auto Lounge to look at (what I thought was) a Shelby 350; turned out it was a a 500, with supercharger. Too much car for me. An anomaly: eBay has 0 2007 350s, but many 500s, most with very low mileage. I had thought the Lounge’s 500 was amazing with 10k miles at 15 years old, but there were several eBay 500s with less then 2k miles. So, people bought them, decided they couldn’t handle them, then put them in their garage for 15 years? I don’t get it.

–Took a swim.


–Got bagels at Noah’s.

–Got a Tuscan pizza at Papa Murphy’s. Edible, but salty and not great.


–Played with the two recent Shitogorov knives–the ones with captive pivots that both seemed to come loose after a couple dozen flips. Could not see the slightest reason for that behavior. All I can guess is that I didn’t fully tighten them before using, and/or they were on a high spot on the pivot which suddenly snapped into place–making them loose. Far-fetched with two different knives. I’ll play with one a while and see if it replicates. Tried to swap blades so I could get the fancy knife better-centered and keep it. One worked, the other didn’t (wouldn’t lock), and besides, they were different steels. Duh.

–Recent Mustangs are looking interesting, but I can’t decide: I’ve pretty much ruled out convertibles (too vulnerable; didn’t use one when I had it), which leaves manual trans as something “special”–and I just don’t know if I can handle constant (and forever) shifting–in traffic, trying to parallel park, etc.


–Went to GT Auto Lounge to look at a 1965 Mustang. Car is a no-go: in addition to questionable 100% originality, I noticed while sitting in it that it felt sort of old and dated, not something I could rely on to take to Monterey for a weekend. They also had 60’s Corvette, Camaro and Chevelle. All three were show cars, not drivers, and the latter two were huge; I had forgotten. And, as Leo Kottke put it, my horizons seem to have gotten shorter. Salesman Aidan drove around a new arrival, a Mustang Shelby GT350 from 2007. Sitting in it, it seemed like the most “fitting” of all the cars I’ve been in. Styling is kind of “Fast & Furious,” but it has possibilities.

–Pool controller said water was 84 around 4 PM, so I took a swim. Not bad, especially at the shallow end.

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