Month: July 2022 (Page 3 of 4)


–Okay, so my epiphany regarding Shirogorov 3 Bears blade polish was premature. Turns out I only have one 3 Bears blade (the blue Quantum 2) that really reflects; the other three or four are pretty standard.

–Loft light/fan has been coming on randomly for two days. Coincidentally, I played with it yesterday to brighten it. I believe: our light and a neighbor’s use the same remote code, so theirs started going on/off when I was playing yesterday. When they turn theirs off, mine goes on, and we’re in this loop. Tomorrow I’ll turn off power and change the code in the light-mounted sensor (and remote, of course). Betcha that works.


–Played a lot with knives and made a huge discovery: Shirogorov 3 Bears knives differ from 1 Bear knives only in how the blade is polished. It’s subtle, as all their blades seem to be finely media-blasted, but I had two knife pairs to compare, and it’s definitely noticeable: the 3 Bears blades are a little smoother, a little brighter. For example, you can count chandelier bulbs in a 3 Bears reflection, but they’re more like big yellow smudges on the 1 Bear blades. I need to publish this.



–Took a deep breath and swapped the Shiro White Storm scales to a knife with better cosmetics. All good.

–Tom Elken found “cheap” lodgings in Seaside for Monterey Car Week, so off we go.


–Went to S*T Strawberries for strawberries, blackberries, tomatoes.

–Finally sent in a “change of direct deposit” to Northern Trust, Sutter’s benefit manager. Not sure why I didn’t do it until now.


–Went to SiteOne landscaping supply on Folsom and got an Irritrol valve assembly. Installed it (got soaked in the process) and the leak appears to have been cured.

–Decided to order a white 2017 Mustang GT with leather and navigation from Carmax.


–Patched the green float and Megaduck; both were deflated later.

–No swim; pool was acting up. Added water and chlorine, scraped the sides.


–Got bagels at Noah’s, decaf beans at Peet’s.

–Grace noticed an emitter emitting around 8 AM (after an apparent OK watering at 5). I noticed valve #1 was leaking (again), watched a video, then tightened the solenoid (which was loose). We’ll see.

–Took a quick swim (water was cool on the deep end).

–Barbecued pork chops, corn and tomatoes. Good stuff.


–Rode the canal on the InnerLight, with a flashlight taped to my helmet. Flashlight helped in the tunnel, but the fierce breeze going out seems to have dehydrated me.


–Rode the InnerLight to the river, took a quick video. It does seem higher, and is moving fairly fast.

–Going crazy thinking about cars. The thing is, they’re like pets: once you decide on one and get it, it’s really hard to get rid of it.

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