Month: August 2022 (Page 3 of 3)


–Shifter for the Mustang came in. Got everything apart and found that the holes in the new shaft didn’t match the holes on the existing shaft. Called and emailed the seller, but haven’t heard back yet.

–Kirill Yuzh wrote to say he would wire money for sale of the red Sub, but by the way he just got this untouched 1984 5513 in. It was indeed a beauty, so he put it in a FedEx box and will wire me the difference between the two watches. He also (at my request) sent a label so I could get him the 1680 and 1803 for consignment. Down to two Rolexes now: a 5512 overhauled by True Patina, original everything except bracelet, killer dial and insert, “previously polished” case; and the incoming 5513, original everything, untouched.

–Shirogorov/Martin Soft Russian Overkill came in. Nice knife, but it slams open with a sort of two-part sound. Seems the detent ball is really prominent. Not sure what to do about it. Trying to shave (or pound in) the ball would likely be disastrous. Dilemma.

–Took a swim.


–Started to install the White Madness shifter on the Mustang. Got the chrome piece off easily, but the bigger plastic assembly below didn’t immediately yield. All videos show people just pulling it off. Here’s hoping.

–Made a pizza for dinner. Baked at 500 degrees for about 10 minutes. Worked fine, but I’m not sure it was better than 450 for a few minutes longer.


–Rode the Lake Natoma loop clockwise with Tom Elken.

–Updated my spreadsheet on the front (HOA-controlled) sprinkler system, after carefully noting the schedule. Updated the controller: deleted an 11 PM start time with no actions defined; added a 5-minute lawn watering to fill a hole in the schedule; changed garden-watering time from 30 minutes (3 TIMES A DAY) to 1 minute. Will readjust garden time after the two leaks we discovered are fixed.


–Brought up the townhouse; Grace went into a fit.

–Started trying to move everything (bill pay and such) back to Heritage. It’s not going to be easy.

–Took a swim. Re-scheduled the controller to stop at 4 PM instead of 5.


–Rode a bike to Discovery Village; saw that there is no way of getting in there without the gate code. Tried to find gate code on google; couldn’t. Was going to call a realtor specializing in Gold River, but Grace got cranky.

–Swam a half mile.


–“Helped” Grace link Stanford Credit Union to Vanguard, including a visit to Heritage at Bel Air for a notary.

–Will be looking at a townhouse in Discovery Village, which (as I had it originally in my spreadsheet) is indeed gated.

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