–Shirogorov/Sinkevich Touch came in. Nice, not astounding.
–Separated LPs into keep and toss piles.
–Shirogorov/Sinkevich Touch came in. Nice, not astounding.
–Separated LPs into keep and toss piles.
–Got a haircut at Great Clips.
–Made a latte with the Cremina. Tasty, but the espresso was not hot. Might need to increase the temp to compensate for the teflon heat break. Was going to take it to Great Infusions for consignment in conjunction with Grace’s trip to PAMF. Grace says she cancelled that appointment–and told me. She didn’t tell me.
–Rode the ARP with Tom Elken.
–Got the Cremina back together and working. The nut holding the top cover doesn’t go down far enough to allow the boiler cap to tighten, but other than that it’s perfect–I didn’t even need to adjust the pressurestat.
–Walked to Bel Air for Bagels.
–Axe head came, looks good; Cremina shower screen and gaskets came, so I got on it. All good until I hit the switch and tripped the circuit breaker on the garage wall. Ohm meter suggests the heating element has a short, so I’m roasting it in the oven for several hours. Here’s hoping.
–Rode the canal. Mistake. Home thermometer said 72, bike thermometer said 93.
–Got a Papa Murphy’s pizza for dinner–another $8 special. Killer…
–Heard from Mark Solich that out $552k offer for 1956 Discovery Village Lane was accepted. In other real estate news, 2056 Promontory Point (1) came up at $595k, (2) sold in three weeks, (3) came back on the market a few days later at $595k, (4) had a price increase to $625k a few days later. My thought: first buyer tried to negotiate price cut for new roof, so deal fell through. Seller relisted it briefly at original price, then had a brainstorm and added the price of a roof so he could negotiate back down to $595k. This is a very greedy seller, I’m thinking–and we haven’t even talked about the dry rot yet.
–Stuff came in the mail: flashlight holder for bike (works fine); steam stem and touchup paint for the Cremina. Tried to disassemble the old steam stem now that I have a new one: the brass screw has work hardened (I guess) and sort of melded with the gasket. I mangled it with a Foredom stone (drills wouldn’t touch it), then tossed it. A really serious age/heat-related failure that might have ended the project if Cerini hadn’t carried new steam stems.
–Feeling super depressed today. This was doubled when I noticed a dark 5-6mm spot on my dick. Google says it’s very likely a penile melanosis–totally harmless. Nonetheless…
–No word yet on our offer for 1956 Discovery Village.
–Walked to Bel Air for dessert.
–Talked to Mark Solich a couple times. We’ll be offering $552,000 for the Discovery Village house. He seemed confident that that bid work work. Such is dual agency…
–Cremina came in–priority shipped. Missing a drip tray (I have three) and a shower screen (just found one on eBay for $50: miracle). Came with portafilter but no basket: I have one. Super hard to take apart and filthy inside, but nothing broken yet. Couldn’t get screw off steam valve stem to replace gasket, so bought a new stem/gaskets from Cerini.
–Walked to Bel Air for bagels (Baguette Bagels were moldy).
–Played with cameras/lenses. Re-subscribed to Lightroom. This time I noticed that they had desktop (Classic) as well as Creative Cloud. I got that. Much more familiar. I may still have CC (their website is quite confusing), but I see no reason to use it.
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