–Went with Grace to look at 1956 Discovery Village Lane with Mark Solich. Seems real nice to me–soaring ceilings w/ skylights, private kitchen, normal showers, den for both of us, etc. Looks like getting in/out of the garage could be interesting, but otherwise good. Solich was clever in his pricing: house is easily worth $575k or more; he priced it at $539k and will have the owner consider offers. He “estimates” it will sell between $539k and $595k. So, there went my dreams of getting this great place for a “generous” offer of $545k.

–Tried to sharpen the Devin Thomas AEB-L petty with the (just in) shorter screws for the sharpener, allowing lower angles, and the 5k and 10k Chosera stones. Still much to learn.