Month: September 2022 (Page 3 of 3)


–Played with knives a bit.

–Played with cameras a bit. Decided to keep only the Leica C (not the C-Lux or Panasonic version thereof). Affinity Photo won’t handle C RAW files (or C-Lux, for that matter), so I’ll re-up my Lightroom subscription.

–Took a swim.


–Bad day: several diarrhea attacks, generally felt lousy. Drank a lot, but it didn’t seem to help. Went to McDonald’s for lunch.

–Paradigm Ti 2 razor came in. Seems nice.


–Mega-hot day.

–While setting up voicemail on the Samsung S10e I lent Grace after she dropped her iPhone in the pool, I noticed she has also dropped the Samsung: broken glass in one corner (not loose). She’s tough on stuff. Should I order another green one for me? No: Siri rules.


–Went to Chalk It Up 2022. Parked in a garage for $10. Did a tour, got pics, got a t-shirt. Easy.

–Took a shower.


–Used the belt grinder to take off 1.5″ from the Devin Thomas gyuto; re-profiled the blade. It’s not as sleek a blade now, but it looks fine–and the cladding is much more even too. Well done. Now I can sell it.


–Went to the Sunrise farmers market for tomatoes, pears, apples, jam, cantaloupe, squash.

–Made pizza for dinner. Good, but I’m going to now look into softer crusts.


–Took Grace shopping at Smart and Final.

–Played a lot with the Devin Thomas clad Magnacut. Discovered a low spot in the grind near the tip. Turned it into a bird’s beak trying to fix it. You can’t fix those things. This is not the first bad grind I’ve seen from DT.


–Herman Dragonfly came in. A beauty. Spent a long time with it and my previous one trying to optimize things. Turns out the previous one is Gen 2, while the new one is Gen 3–and there are some very subtle differences between them. Got it mostly sorted out. Lost some tiny (1mm) ceramic bearings, so ordered replacements.

–Took a swim.

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