–Shirogorov F3 Aquatic came in. Nice scales, but not centered and not drop shut. After a LOT of noodling (it’s a major pain to work on), I swapped blades with another F3: perfecto. Don’t know what I’ll do with the other F3. If I can put it back together in working condition, I might just sell it without the box.
–Went to the Town Center to gather acorns for squirrels. All gone (gardeners). Parked outside the gate at DV and found a treasure trove right there. Good thing, as Mr. Squirrel seems to get them quickly, when we’re not looking.
–Took a shower and shave. Right-hand faucet was wonky (multiple streams, low pressure) so I carefully, gently got the aerator out and tossed part of it after thorough analysis. Works fine now.