Month: December 2022 (Page 1 of 4)


–Had breakfast at Gold Miner Cafe in Folsom with Tom Elken and Steve Chaump, former BNR folks. Good food, good time.

–Put all my Shirogorov F3’s back together in original configurations. Trying to center the blade now on the nicest one, the Aquatic.


–Shirogorov F3 Aquatic came in. Nice scales, but not centered and not drop shut. After a LOT of noodling (it’s a major pain to work on), I swapped blades with another F3: perfecto. Don’t know what I’ll do with the other F3. If I can put it back together in working condition, I might just sell it without the box.

–Went to the Town Center to gather acorns for squirrels. All gone (gardeners). Parked outside the gate at DV and found a treasure trove right there. Good thing, as Mr. Squirrel seems to get them quickly, when we’re not looking.

–Took a shower and shave. Right-hand faucet was wonky (multiple streams, low pressure) so I carefully, gently got the aerator out and tossed part of it after thorough analysis. Works fine now.


–Took Grace shopping at Food Maxx.

–Braun razor came in. Good shape except for head frame. Bought one on eBay (sketchy: “Can I see a pic?” / “I have several; will send you the best one.”). Sent it in for battery replacement.

–Walked around Discovery Village; looked at lights and took photos.


–Merry Christmas! Had orange rolls and opened presents.

–Dinner: turkey breast, mashed potatoes/gravy, cranberry jelly, corn, crescent rolls. Yum!


–Third Arcitec shaver came in (already returned one). KILLER! Clean, almost unmarked, works well.

–STILL have throat issues. Almost worrisome.


–Throat’s still husky.

–Went to Goodwill, where they took the hedge trimmer (among other things) and Walmart for some Christmas shopping. Then Bel Air for canned whipped cream.

–Philips Arcitec came in (second one; first was returned). No mirror-glass front, and only charges when sitting in its half-case (no socket on the razor itself). Nor does the motor seem particularly quiet. Disappointing. More coming.


–Investigated the “silo” on the back patio. Probably a lighting transformer. Tossed it.

–Two weeks after first symptoms of (what I believe is) COVID, and I still have throat-clearing issues. Got a Binax test at Rite Aid, did it twice, totally negative results. Best guess: my case is too mild for this (less sensitive) test to pick up. Paxlovid probably wouldn’t help at this point anyway, as everyone says it must be started within five days of symptom appearance.


–Went to the post office to send off (a) the Arcitec I’m returning and (b) the Shirogorov Touch going back for repair.

–Shirogorov Halloween came in. Small (no surprise) but great scales. Swapped out the slightly marred tiny body screw with another Shiro of the same model.

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