Month: January 2023 (Page 2 of 4)


–Home all day, waiting for UPS.

–Feeling woozy all day, scarily assuaged by eating. Just read that 33% of those > 65 have Type 2 diabetes. Great.


–Took Grace shopping at Bel Air.

–Verified that my California Middle Class Tax Relief card is down to $0 balance. I thought it started with $600 or $800; hard to believe it went to zero so fast.


–Epoxied the 19″ x 15″ piece of glass to the outside of the kitchen sliding door. Seemed to go well.

–Successfully set up the required minimum distribution (RMD) at Vanguard, for Jan. 20.

–Marie for dinner.


–Had really bad diarrhea last night; felt woozy all day. Wish I knew what was going on.

–Two Braun Flex shavers came in. One was a tosser, but the blue-green one (a fabulous color I’ve never seen before) is near-perfect. It charged right up and gave me a great shave.

–Went to Bel Air for bagels and cream cheese.


–Second Shirogorov Aquatic came in. Swapped everything eight times, then discovered a bad sharpening grind on the new blade. These knives were REALLY rushed out, or something: loose screws, poor sharpening, etc. Ended up keeping the newer one as it came.

–Put away the Christmas stuff.


–Walked to Mimosa House for brunch, then Bel Air for groceries.

–Re-programmed external garage keypad to work; reset front gate lock to work with house key. More to come.


–Many old shavers came in. Not much remains. Got one working, with new cutter and foil. Amazing battery life for something that old (especially considering that most of them don’t even take a charge), but the shave is kind of crude. Norelco rules, at the moment.

–Made pizza for dinner. Another thick crust, though I overcooked it a little.

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