–Tried to drive the BMW to Buffalo Creek headwaters, but it appears that that whole area is private Aerojet property.
–Barbecued turkey burgers, squash and tomatoes for diner. Yum!
–Tried to drive the BMW to Buffalo Creek headwaters, but it appears that that whole area is private Aerojet property.
–Barbecued turkey burgers, squash and tomatoes for diner. Yum!
–Rode the InnerLight on the canal for 13.6 miles. Felt crappy the rest of the day.
–Got sandwiches from Jack’s Urban Eats for dinner.
–Went to both farmers markets, got tomatoes, oranges, almonds, squash, cherries.
–Made pizza for dinner. Pretty darn good.
–Went to UPS to pick up flashlight lenses and nicotinamide.
–Went to Bel Air for corn and turkey burger patties (finally).
–Barbecued corn and turkey burgers: pretty darn good.
–Went to S*T Strawberries for strawberries, jam, honey.
–Removed the dead cooktop. It was not easy, but everything is 100% intact (like wiring) and ready for the new installation.
–Baked a Viccolo pizza for dinner. So-so.
–Slow day. Barbecued pork chops and corn for dinner.
–Watched the “Then Came Bronson” pilot. Better than I recall, and seriously nostalgic.
–Took the Beemer to Dr. An Yen for suture removal. Wound looks awfully red to me, but nurse and doctor said it’s good.
–Called CarMax about slow leak in Beemer tire. Tires aren’t covered by their warranty. Took the car to America’s Tire Co. They fixed it fast and free. Seems like a top-notch organization.
–Turns out the Honda tires were quite low. I pumped them up and reset the TPMS. All my fault of course–getting lazy. Gotta keep on ’em.
–TPMS light came on in the BMW. Checked the tires. Left rear was low; seems to have a slow leak.
–Watched “Wake of the Red Witch” via Film Foundation. Pretty absorbing.
–Went to both farmers markets for stuff.
–Grace spilled water on the cooktop and (apparently) shorted out one of the switches. Loud whump sounds, flashing lights, and the fan won’t go off. I broke some glass on the cooktop trying to get it up, but that was irrelevant. It’s dead, and I turned it off at the breaker panel. Looks like a replacement will be $2,200 + $200 installation + $35 haul away.
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