Month: August 2023 (Page 1 of 4)


–Went around and around and around with eBay on the Sea Dweller–three different customer service reps. Unbelievable difference in competency. Last one said to ask seller for invoice. I did. He said “Will do.”

–Replaced hearing aid batteries around Noon—five days. These are Kirkland batteries. Hoping a brand name lasts longer.


–Won the 1665 Sea Dweller on eBay for a stupid low price of $14,101. When I went to pay, I got an error message saying “Seller does not ship to California” (seller was supposed to ship to the authenticator anyway). Messaged seller (who’s sold many watches, all through the authenticator he said) and he professed ignorance, said he would call eBay. I called eBay hours later. They replicated my problems, said they hadn’t heard from seller, suggested I ask him to call them OR send me an invoice. Still waiting.

–Heard from Pacific Skin Institute. Sarah Diane Whalen is leaving them (for parts unknown), so my October appointment will be with a nurse named Olga Karaputa. Great.

–Took a shower and shave.


–Made pizza with Grace’s birthday pizza dough from Williams Sonoma ($18). Box contained flour and (lots of) salt, but not the promised yeast. Made dough, made pizza, it was fine, though salty.

–Went to Bel Air for cookies. Tried Tap to Pay with (new) Ally account. Got the checkmark, but the terminal did not react, much as it was with Heritage with a live checker yesterday. Went BACK to Heritage account, will try again some day.


–Went to Bel Air for fruit, burger patties, corn, Grace’s juice, gallon jugs of Crystal Geyser. Used Tap to Pay, my phone said it worked (switched from Heritage to Ally last night after talking to an Ally help person), but it didn’t show up on the register, so I had to use a card. Grrr….

–Barbecue for dinner. Tasty, but both sets of old corn cob holders (Grace got for her birthday) were pretty useless. Grrr……

–Resurrected the Leica SL2. Fine camera when you’re not using one of the monster L lenses. Tried the 50 Summicron M f2 (with adapter), really liked it. tried the 28 aspherical with adapter (it was already 6 bit coded), not wild about it. We’ll see.


–Walked to Bel Air for bagels and cream cheese.

–Took Grace to dinner at Jasper’s—which, it turns out, is closing to turn into a taqueria. Crap.


–Replaced hearing aid batteries around 2 PM–four days.

–Polished the new McGizmo waterproof flashlight–was a mess, looks great now.


–Motorola Razr came in. Good shape. Took some doing, but finally have it set up better than the Galaxy. Still working on getting apps to front screen May not work for all.

–Stopped at Bel Air for pizza and dessert.


–Went to Costco to pick up new hearing aids. They are loud, but will take some getting used to before I know if they really help comprehension.

–Eufy battery came. Machine makes chirping noises and lights up when plugged in, but does nothing (yet) when taken away from charging station. Oh well…

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