Month: October 2023 (Page 1 of 3)


–Took Grace shopping at Bel Air.

–Left a message at Perfect It. No response. Went there, picked up the InnerLight frame. Took it and parts to Bob’s Bikes for assembly ($50).

–Marie for dinner.


–NOS Cremina started acting weird; didn’t seem like the pressurestat was working right. Took it to the workbench, brought out the other two, played around with boiler caps. Noticed big differences in how close the caps came to the cover nuts, mostly because of how far the different nuts would go down (one bottomed out before the cover was real tight). I swapped covers around, bent one to make it fit better, got all three boiler caps sealing fine. NOS machine seems to work now, but I have no good theory as to why or what happened. I should probably move the pressurestat screw back and forth a bit to make sure it isn’t sticking.

–Spent the afternoon going up and down ladders to clear a ton of mud from the gutter on the side of the house near the twins. (The gutter was gushing out water during the recent rain, suggesting the downspout was plugged.) It was, now it isn’t. Meanwhile, I am utterly spent. Clearest evidence yet of how old I am.

–After a ton of searching, and re-re-reconsidering developing software I’ve shelved in the past, I came across Adobe DNG Converter. It takes up 2 gigs, but turns any RAW file (including Contax, which was the point) into a DNG that any developing app can work with (RAW Power at the moment). Wish I’d known about the converter a while back when I was struggling with all the Leica proprietary formats.


Went to McDonald’s Gold River for lunch. Not too great, though they did (re?)install a drink machine. I don’t get it.

–Pulled shots with the two rebuilt Creminas and adjusted their pressurestats upward.


–Met Jill Medici outside the DV gates and gave her the 1Up bike rack. I think it will be too much for her to handle, but it was free…

–Went to Barnes and Noble and got “America’s Best Mysteries 2023”–unreadable. The change in quality of that anthology year to year is bizarre and frustrating. Also got the latest Jack Reacher–seems standard.


–Took down masking paper left over by fence painters.

–Played around with app cleaners–everybody wants me to subscribe. Tried Daisy Disk, deleted some critical stuff, so had to reload Chrome/Edge. What a mess.


–Fences got painted today.

–Got a Blaze garlic/sausage pizza to eat while watching the Niners. Good stuff.


–Got the second Cremina working–no leaks. Will make espresso/steam milk with each, clean them up and tighten the grouphead bolts, then take a trip to Santa Cruz.

–Blew leaves and such out of the garage.

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