Month: March 2024 (Page 1 of 4)


–Tried the M-P 240 Safari again. It just did not seem to want to meter correctly, and (I was reminded) it shows these flashing clipped highlights in Play mode. I could probably get rid of them, but. So brought back the Hodinkee. It takes some pretty spiffy pictures. Might be the lens, I don’t know. [edit] Found out how to fix Play on the Safari. Did a showdown between Safari 240 and Hodinkee. Hodinkee wins. Incredible lens, 3 buttons on the back (as opposed to 5-6), LCD screen more modern, can use Visoflex 2, no Advanced vs. Classic metering,  etc. [edit 2] Another showdown between the Hodinkee and the M11, both using the 35mm f1.4 FLE lens. Photos were close, but again, Hodinkee rules. Can’t hardly understand it. Hodinkee did 1/30 ISO 800, while M11 did 1/320 ISO 3200. Why does M11 run the ISO up so high? And the house number was almost readable on the Hodinkee, while you could hardly tell there was a number with the M11. Strange, and I guess I’ll just have to get used to the gray paint.

–Got a (small) start on reorganizing/cleaning up the garage. Exhausted.

–Pizza for dinner.


–Set up auto-pay for state and federal taxes.

–Played with cameras. Still don’t know what I want.


–Discovered (to my glee) that the vertical rangefinder alignment was off on the Reporter. So I requested a refund, using that and the scratch in the top plate as excuses. The seller offered me a $100 refund. I said no thanks, just get me your address. Meanwhile, Progear Cameras in New Zealand has a new Hodinkee M10-P available, and I’m in touch with them regarding shipped price.

–Re-routed drip hoses in the side yard so we don’t keep tripping over (and breaking) the one that crossed the path. As I’ve said before: feeling every inch of 77.

–I have slight evidence (in the form of sleepers) that Restasis might be working. Fingers crossed.


–Leica M10-P Reporter finally came in. Mostly my fault: DHL thought Seward was a company, and that complicated the customs process. Also cost me $62 in duty. Crap. Camera is nice, but has a small mark on the top plate and ~2,450 clicks. Looks like I might be keeping it, as a query to Hodinkee hasn’t been resolved yet (“we’re looking into it,” which likely means “they sold out a while back and we neglected to update the listing”). Listing has been updated now: sold out. I doubt I’m going to get the last one.

–Took a shot at painting the Leica Black Paint bottom cover, after sanding it smooth. It might work.


–Well, so much for M9’s. Took out the M-E for a couple of patio pics at twilight. DNG looked like it was shot through a red filter, jpg through green. Tried the black M9, thinking the M-E had acted up before–got exactly the same results. I really don’t understand the hype behind M9’s.

–Used the 1-ton press and a feeler gauge to improve the action on a Sham by pushing down the detent ball. It worked!

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