Month: March 2024 (Page 3 of 4)


–Went to UPS for Rolex crystal (had marks, I tried to polish out, ruined it), rubbing compound (promising), rubber-coated tweezers (nice).

–Red Baron for dinner.


–Daylight Saving started. Stupid.

–Played with cameras. Noticed the M-E is nice-looking. On the other hand, twilight shots between it and the M11 were pretty dramatic: an abutilon bulb on the M-E was a blob, while on the M11 it had decent definition. Do I really need to keep an M9? The bottom plate is retro cool and all, but the camera leaves much to be desired. AND the M10-R has a bottom plate. I’ll probably never decide.


–Played with cameras. Don’t know what I’ll keep. The M10 Black Paint is a beauty, but maybe more of an art object. The Safari is cool, but has a noticeable scratch that the finish won’t allow e to take out. The M11 is lick, but has that spring-loaded battery. First-world problems…

–Made pizza for dinner. Forgot to cut the dough in half. That was one thick pizza. Good though.


–Took the Beemer to Green Acres in Folsom and got an Owari Satsuma semi-dwarf tree. Hoping it produces fruit in less than five years.

–Cleaned up the plants a bit on the back patio.


–Put the meteorite in the electrolysis bucket for several hours. Didn’t seem to do a whole lot. Will continue.

–Leica M10-R came in. Some evidence it had been used as a store demo: it had an old battery and SD card in it. Further, the Leica Sync app showed > 400 shutter actuations. (Same app showed around 620 actuations on the Black Paint M10-R–a keeper for sure.)

–Back started out good, got bad as the day progressed. Neck hurts now too. Crap. Sent a message to Dr. Firoz asking for a referral.


–Picked up yet another Leica M9 at UPS. Very nice, with intact sticker on the bottom (I took it off) and just over 1,000 shutter activations. Each of the black M9s has tiny marks, but I’ll likely stay with today’s; serial number is much higher for one thing. Still don’t know about M9 vs. M10-R.

–I successfully set up an electrolysis rig and ran the Erie Spider skillet through it. Seemed to work fine (there wasn’t much rust on the skillet). Meteorite next.


–Lunch at Jersey Mike’s.

–Picked up Leica M10-R Black Paint at UPS. Marks on top and bottom, not bad but easy to see. Tried to polish some out on top, added some bad scratches (just did that with another camera, can’t remember which). Don’t know if it’s diamond abrasives in the vicinity getting rags or not–actually trying to polish the paint with .5 and 6 micron diamonds didn’t do much of anything. I think I really need to restrict my rag use to the yellow microfibers–or maybe the green shaving towel. Tried some Meguiar’s Swirl Remover, and it may have helped. Ordered another Meguiar’s polish that’s one step coarser, and a soft Dremel buff. There are lots of cameras that could use some polish, the problem being all the knobs and buttons that get in the way.


–Another relapse on my back. This is getting old.

–Picked up the Rolex 931250 at UPS. Not only is it the wrong year (looked like VB on eBay, actually VE), it’s super worn/over-polished, and the clasp doesn’t work well. I gave up, put a strap on the 1680 for now.


–Back pain considerably better on day 12.

–Took a shower and shave. This could be the 4th shave on the Gillette Spoiler blade, and it felt good.


–Day 11 of back pain. A new record (last one, two years ago, resolved in 8 or 9 days).

–Red baron pizza for dinner.

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