–Took Grace to Dr. Firoz while I went to physical therapy. As usual, she got hyper and spent the rest of the day yelling at me.
–Went to lunch at Sourdough in Folsom. Truly excellent; best sandwich ever.
–Got some coffee beans at Peet’s. Could have been a mistake. Really need to find some dark roast beans that aren’t burnt.
–Really really really windy today. This is one strange Spring. I’d be a wreck if not for the Astepro nasal spray. Yes, I get sleepy in the afternoon, but it’s worth it.
–Playing with cameras. Trying to decide between M10 Safari (with Visoflex) and Sony for odd lens art pics. I thought Sony would be a slam dunk, based on a recent shoot, but now I’m not so sure. [edit] The Safari metering system is complex. Without the Visoflex, you get standard center-weighted metering. With the Visoflex/live view, you can also get spot and multifield. Further, it changes completely depending on whether the Visoflex is magnifying or not. I couldn’t get a good night shot with the V (it always overexposed). Without it, back to normal 1/30 second good shots. Crap… Maybe Visoflex in daylight, off at night. Or M10-P Safari at day, Q2 at night…