–Picked up a Gareth Bull Shamwari “Gambler” at UPS. Pretty nice.
–Went to Bel Air and got an antipasto salad and corn for barbecue–maybe tomorrow (see below).
–Took Grace to the Sutter Lab in Folsom for (our) multiple blood tests, urine sample, PSA.
–Went to Dr. Cripe to look into my pressure- and cold-sensitive tooth. Sandy had me come back at 3:30, whereupon they took an x-ray and decided to cap the tooth. Dr. Cripe there was a lot of decay inside, and the adjacent tooth also looked bad. I might need a root canal, “but we’ll wait and hope for the best.” He gave me a referral to an endodontics group. Not clear if I’m supposed to go there and get evaluated for a root canal, or go there only when severe pain/sensitivity kicks in. For now, I think I’ll wait. Cripe drilled quickly and a temporary crown was installed. Back in two weeks.
–Pizza for dinner.
–Stop the presses! (1) Tooth with temp crown had zero reaction to much ice cream tonight. Have we finally fixed it? Maybe. (2) Took a couple night pictures with the Leica 50/2 lens on the CL. Terrible–it drastically over-exposed them. And to top it off, I just heard the Paul Smith CL is on its way back. Great. (3) Tried the M11. Ran into that issue where the camera is pointing at one thing, but the EVF is looking at something else. Sort of fixed it by brute force moving the + cursor, but the pic still sucked. (4) Brought out the M10-R Black Paint: easy, good shot. Argghhh…