–Well, you won’t hardly believe it: back to M9 (M-E specifically). Just don’t want to deal with the (de facto) dual metering system of the M10, where exposure changes depending on whether or not Live View is active. It’s even worse: with LV off, the metering is “mostly center-weighted,” the manual says, even though it pretends to let you change to spot or multi. So stupid. Took a couple of great shots of the abutilon with the Leica 50 and 35 lenses. I suspect they’ll look cartoonish when compared to more modern photos, but they work for me at the moment.

–Picked up a digital tire gauge at Amazon and started taking readings on the Beemer, to see what happens with the plugged tire.

–Got apples, mandarins, coffee (Philz and Peet’s) at Bel Air.

–Kenny gave us another plant: a really beautiful succulent. Guess I’d better go look at his pump.

–Second Silca pump came in–totally rebuilt. Looks good, but either it’s really low capacity or leaking or something, as nothing seemed to happen after many pumps (needle goes up and back, but doesn’t seem to go higher with every pump). In contrast, The (larger) NOS pump just works like crazy. Guess I’ll buy another rebuild kit (seller already did one rebuild) and see what’s up.