–Tooth still hurts off and on. Made an appointment for a $390 consult with Creekside Endodontists.

–Played with bike pumps. Turns out the “leather” washer in the blue one was not. I swapped in the leather washer from the NOS black one and it now pumps/holds perfectly. Further, there’s an ad on eBay for another blue one, also in southern California, using the same pictures as the one I bought. Sucks…

–Looked at Kenny’s fountain pump. As he said, it would work for a small swimming pool. Decided to get him a new filter (which I did on Amazon, for one-third the price of Leslie’s Pool) and hopefully we can fix it up.

–New single-prong moisture meter came. The first three plants I tried it on all looked about the same (good). But the three succulents I tried it on were all down toward dry, so it looks like the meter works.

–Took a shower and shave. Went back to Iridium Super blades (in a Fat Boy) and they just blew away the Spoilers that a guy gave me with a brush purchase. I don’t see how there could be a better blade.