–Played a lot more with the scanner. Thought I had decided on Silverfast after doing a lot of playing around, especially with three pictures of Diann and me at Duke in December of 1968 (totally unremembered occasion). Turns out, after redoing them inVuescan, the Silverfast pics were garishly awful. That’s been happening a lot. Further discovery: rather than trying to guess how much saturation Lightroom will add to a jpg, just save it as a tiff. Three times the size, but impeccable quality. One further discovery: Vuescan has several different color levels–auto, white balance, tungsten, portrait, landscape, etc.–and it shows you how they will look before you scan. Many are identical, but some are much more (or much less) red. So, I think I might finally be almost ready to do everything over again with Vuescan –> Lightroom –> tiff. But to reiterate: it really is appalling how something can look good after a lot of LR adjusting, then look terrible the next day after I learn some new twist. Kind of like looking back on my abutilon pics: most are WAY too saturated and contrasty. Interestingly, my La Selva Beach pics seem mostly to hold up. Golden years, I guess.

–Great Infusions sold a Cremina. Further: I was all set to write to Orphan Espresso and tell them about my great find of right-sized group-to-boiler o-rings. Then I tried their too-small one again, and it went on and stayed. I give up.