Month: November 2024 (Page 1 of 3)


–Went to Nugget Market in El Dorado Hills for Margherita pizza. They had barbecued chicken and pepperoni. Got pepperoni. Fine, but not nearly as good as Margherita.

–Picked up Meades front flipper at UPS. Beautiful mammoth tooth scales, but without a clip it’s really hard to manipulate. Frustrating.

–Picked up prescriptions for upcoming cataract sutgery at Rite-Aid.


–Paid State Farm insurance bill for BMW: %647.78. That’s > $100/month.

–Barbecued a turkey. Temperature on the Weber read 200-300; it took 1.5 hours. Used applewood chips for the first (and last) time: tons of smoke, not much flavor. Nice day though.


–Went to Bel Air for bagels.

–Raked the back patio; pulled leaves out of plants. In my first close look in months at the bizzaro succulent from Pot Stop, I found that 3 of 9 sprigs I poked into the soil long ago were dead, so pulled them out. Still don’t know if it’s going to live or just take 3 years to die.

–Played with watches. Looks like the Sea Dweller is going to need service: I have to take the back off and spin the balance wheel to get it going.

–Played with cameras, after the Leica C failed to zoom or focus on a squirrel eating Chinese Pistache berries. Switching over to the D-Lux 7: less zoom than the C-Lux, but slightly better quality.

–Frozen Mega-Bowls for dinner.


–Played with photo editors again. Leaning towards the Apple Photos app that I discovered a couple days ago. Only uses one window, doesn’t require a library, works smoothly, has denoise, etc. My main hesitation (irrational) is that it’s too good for an app I thought was only useful for moving pics between iPhone and Mac.

–Went to Bel Air for milk, cream cheese, and a bunch of stuff for Grace.


–Nice sunny day; stayed inside.

–Gave Grace a little help with photo editing. Was sort of enjoying the weird Lightroom app that I downloaded from the Apple app store last night–partially because I thought it was so much leaner than the stuff I download from Adobe with all the Creative Cloud crap. Then I noticed its size: 6.6 gigabytes. Given that one of my entirely serviceable editors was 50 megabytes, off it went. I know Adobe is intrusive, always watching you, etc., but in what universe does a photo editor APP need 6.6 gigs of space?


–Yet another quiet day.

–Played more with photo editors. Long story short: downloaded the Lightroom app from the Apple store; apparently I bought it in early 2021. For a breathless moment I thought I had a standalone app, but no, it says “Subscribed.” At least it’s WAY smaller than the bloated Creative Cloud stuff I downloaded from Adobe. It’s so much easier to use (see) than DXO, I may stay with it until my subscription expires next September, then think again.


–Had the colonoscopy done: no polyps, no more colonoscopies.

–My crypto holdings are doing nicely. Hope I’m able to take some profits before they crash.

–Red Baron pizza for dinner.


–The rain came.

–Finally got Coinbase set up with Ally and Heritage checking accounts as payment methods. Onward!

–Took a shower and shave.

–Started bowel prep around 5:30. Still gurgling at 9:30; still not clear.


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