–Did crypto all day. Having issues with Ally: turns out their savings account allows 10 transfers/statement period (many banks only allow 6). My statement period ends 11/23, so of course everything I’ve done in crypto has added a transfer. Turns out checking accounts have no such restrictions; had I known, I could have moved a ton of money from savings to checking and been done with it. As it is, I’m allowed two more transactions in 20 days—maybe only one, as they are delaying a wire transfer I did today for no obvious reason. Further, I get error messages (Could Not Process Payment) at Gemini when I try to buy with Ally savings OR checking. What a buncha crap. I did manage to buy some Bitcoin with Heritage. ALSO getting issues at Kraken trying to move stuff to my Trust Wallet–some gobbledygook about timing restrictions or such. Super annoying.
–Took a shower and shave.