–The Silkie (BMW) to the Folsom farmers market (Honda had a dead battery from trunk lid being ajar for a while) for Clenentines.
–Took Grace shopping at Target.
–Played with crypto. Was moving stuff from Coinbase to Phantom wallet, got a notice from CB about delays due to security checks. So decided to go back to Kraken. Discovered another wrinkle at Kraken involving unused/used/expiring receive addresses. Too many weirdnesses at Kraken, so back to Coinbase. The moves went okay; they just urged me to get a hardware key, so I ordered a(nother) Yubikey from eBay. No more wallets/Kraken/Robinhood/Gemini/Binance/etc. Coinbase is fine, and should be pretty bulletproof with a hardware key, I hope.