–Finished making the “tile rock” for Kenny (like the fountain with broken tile pieces and grout). Looks like crap.
–Went to UPS to mail a couple more packages and pick up a Yubikey (set it up at Coinbase) and leather repair tape (tried it on my chair; looks surprisingly good (i.e., invisible)).
–Pepperoni pizza from Costco for dinner. Not nearly as good as Costco brand cheese pizza last night.
–Heard a loud hissing outside around 5. On investigation, it appeared to be a sprinkler leak between our house and Ray/Sherry’s. Turned their water off at the main spigot. They got home while I was leaving a note, and said it was just the sprinkler (not a leak), so I turned their water back on. I’m dubious: we haven’t heard that noise in two years.