–Bought $1,850 worth of spinners: Unquiet Hands Atrium Superconductor and a Random Fabrications something.
–Silver squirrel came by for peanuts.
–Learned last night that I took my RMD from Vanguard twice: once by check, again by transfer to Ally when I didn’t think the first one had gone through. Crap. Not at all clear that Vanguard will be able to undo one, as taxes have been withheld.
–Red Baron for dinner, with added mushrooms and bell peppers.
–Bizarre and disappointing: I compared the Zeiss/Contax 50/1.4 to the 1.7 on night shots. The 1.7 is fine, as I knew, but the 1.4, while admirably sharp and all, really distorts the shapes of the globe lights. N of 2, so it’s not a fluke, and it distorted at least two of the lights, while the globes taken with the 1.7 were perfect. Crap.