Month: February 2025 (Page 1 of 3)


–Went to Sac Eye in Folsom to pick up my new glasses (sunglasses are delayed). Pretty spiffy. Not as good at close-up as they are at distance; understandable I suppose.

–Stopped at Bel Air for milk, cream cheese, dessert.

–Took a shave and shower.

–Took Kenny in the BMW to pick up a couple of Pizza Guys pizzas. Tasty.

–Tried last night and today to get Kirill Yuzh to buy me a Rolex 1680 at the Tropical Watch site. After some email glitches he went silent. I don’t know what’s going on. Don’t know if I want the watch enough to pay tax on it.


–Clone Pose mokume fidget spinner came in. By every metric I can use, it’s identical to the genuine Pose. It even seems to spin a bit better–more balanced, maybe. Hard to believe it’s a clone, but without a COA it’ll never be worth much. COA’s seem hyper-critical, since few makers add branding to their spinners–and even if they do for this one, they don’t for that one. Strange business.

–My ankles seem swollen again, and I’ve gained weight, and I get winded really easily. Wondering about congestive heart failure.

–Cleaned up Cremina, Maximatic and ECM, took photos, and asked Great Infusions if they’d consign.


–Rode my bike to UPS to send off a Modusworks fidget spinner to Ted Rooney for refinishing. I am woefully out of shape–no surprise. Hope I can work back into something a little fitter.


–Went to UPS to pick up three Modusworks fidget spinners and one set of Modusworks tungsten buttons. Pretty spiffy. Also a Focusworks “The Thing” spinner, not so spiffy.

–Stopped at Bel Air for cookies.

–Boboli pizza for dinner.


–Another quiet day for Mr. Bill. Watched another episode of Reacher, season 3. Good stuff. Watched another episode of Tracker. Don’t know if it’s the comparison with Reacher, but I find Tracker almost unwatchable now.


–Went to the Sunrise farmers market for tangerines for Kenny and me.

–Kenny palmed off more plants on us; someone had left them on his giveaway table anonymously.

–Played a lot with WordPress sites. Tried a million different cookie consent plugins (again). Going back to Lightweight Cookie Notice.

–Picked up the Pose spinner with extra superconductor buttons at UPS. Nice.

–Got dessert and apples at Bel Air.


–Got a free plant (cutting) from Kenny; planted it.

–Walked to UPS to pick up (a) KAP tri fidget, blue ano–really beautiful and great spinner; and (b) Bull Carbo-Quartz knife, with gorgeous red scales. Knife was “cheap” ($1,800) because blade was off-center; I took it apart and put it back together in a way that should straighten the blade, and it worked: knife is flawless!

–Worked on WordPress Adsense sites. Realizing that premium themes are a total waste for me; WP by itself is extremely modifiable. Dizziness and Nausea will never make to Adsense (too medical), but Plan Retirement might have a chance. I’m playing it safe with no photos, no quotes. We’ll see.


–Took Grace shopping at Bel Air. Got caught in a minor bit of rain.

– finally was allowed to link to banks (after 2-3 years), so I got back on and hooked up with Ally. Yay! As has happened in the past (I believe), I get an error message from Plaid when I try to add Heritage. Now to move everything from Coinbase, carefully, cheaply.

–Atorvastatin came in via Amazon. Also GAZ copper spinner (too heavy) and Unquiet Hands bearings (very nice).

–Took a shower and shave. Turns out the new Wolfman WR1 razor, with .48mm gap, is way too mild.


–The appointments keep multiplying: the recent biopsy is a basal, and Mohs surgery has been scheduled; Firoz’ office called to set up a follow-up (I think that’s what she said) televisit. Though evidence goes both ways, I fear it’s because I blew the clock question on my annual Medicare Wellness exam recently. Crap…

–Walked to UPS to pick up Tamsulosin and another spinner. This one is a crystallized ti tri, beautiful but too light for me I fear.

–Had the last Roncadin pizza for dinner, thank goodness.

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