–Got Grace’s phone working with Visible Cellular. For some reason we didn’t need the transfer PIN that Verizon gave us a couple days ago. It was nerve-wracking though, and took almost an hour. All good now with phones I think.
–Went to UPS for (a) GAZ Big Minus Short, another really ho-hum offering from this company; (b) a Modusworks tri copper something in really rough shape–cuts, scratches, divots, etc., very frustrating. Got another one coming soon which should be nicer. Annoying, since much of the damage is such that it can’t be repaired without seriously altering the lines of the spinner. (c) LIC EDC polished zirc Edamame, a real treat; (d) polished titanium LIC EDC Chonky–my second. First one was a hot mess; I tried to take out the cuts and dings and polish it up a bit. This one looked nice but had a long deep scratch. Since the seller claimed it was 10/10, I have to assume I scratched it with the scalpel while cutting open the bubble wrap. Spent a fair while making the scratch disappear and polishing it up.
–Stopped at Bel Air for milk, cream, cream cheese, anti-perspirant, bagels, dessert.
–Packed two Creminas and an ECM into the trunk of the BMW.
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