–Played with the pool sweep some more. Turns out it’s running at 41 RPM (should be 28-30). Dropping both pumps way low had no effect. I need to work on it via restrictor and bypass valve–when the water warms up.

–Horribly enough, the Summicron 50 Dual Range that wouldn’t work on the M9 works great on the Sony A7R (with adapter, of course). Problem is, the Sony/Zeiss 55mm lens, with autofocus, blows the Summicron out of the water, at least at f2. I’ll be tossing the Summicron and Fujinons, and (maybe) calling it quits on old lenses. Exceptions would be Helios, Jupiter, etc. I can’t imagine how an old lens would stand up to the Sony/Zeiss, except for bokeh. That’s what I’ve been reading on the web for years, and chose to ignore in my quest for vintage coolness.

–Took a shower. The 1905 Gillette double ring is a nice shaver; the 1905 Gillette blade I tried was like shaving with a carpet knife.