–Power outage and (separate) Comcast outage this morning. I wish there were a reasonable alternative to Comcast–that didn’t require a dish on the roof.
–The $30k NOS Daytona at Capetown Diamond was (as predicted) already sold. Looking at a $26k NOS black dial on Amazon, via a SRI Lanka dealer. Unlikely at best.
–Took a swim, took a shower. The shave with the 1969 Gillette “black beauty” was perfect. Looking at the blade angle/exposure, compared to some of my other razors, I would have predicted it wouldn’t cut anything off. The shaving forumites (I guess like forumites everywhere) waste reams of text trying to quantify everything. Whereas (a) the blade matters as much as the razor, and (b) it takes 2-3 strokes to know if a given razor is mild or aggressive.